Annie Noodle

Hey! My name is Annie Noodle. I live in Minnesota, which is an amazing place to live…but of course I can say that right now. It’s spring. Ask me about how amazing Minnesota is next January, and I might have a different answer. 

Or I might not. I really like it here! 

You are probably not surprised to learn that I have three cats. I am not surprised by this either. I’ve always really loved animals, and you’ll see that reflected in the body of my work. I do specifically love cats, and even more specifically, I love my annoying, destructive, needy, bizarre, perfect cats. 

I have also always loved art. I went to an art-based high school in Minnesota (what’s up, Perpich!!), and I have continued to pursue various artistic and crafty endeavors throughout my life. I love knitting, sewing, gardening, photography, etc. I am trying to really focus on fine art right now. How am I doing that? By giving the supplies for all of my other interests to my mother so I won’t be distracted by them anymore. Hey, she’s retired. She has lots of time to learn new things! 

Thanks for stopping by my site. If you can’t afford/don’t want to buy anything, I totally understand! It’s pretty cool of you just to look. 

If you have any questions, or requests, just ask! I do accept commissions, if that’s more your speed. 

If you’d like to watch me create my art, I have a YouTube channel:

Feel free to check me out on Instagram @annie_noodle

Have a great day!